Athletes of War

World Premiere | April 10

“The world needs to see this film!”

Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA

“Ukraine’s Dead Athletes Haunt 2024 Olympics”

Aliide Naylor, CEPA Washington DC


A gripping, emotional documentary about the Russian Invasion of Ukraine seen from a unique perspective; Ukrainian Olympic Athletes.

These athletes are talented and dedicated, many of them prodigies in their sport. But their daily lives and training is senselessly disrupted due to the ongoing conflict. Some lose their homes, their training centers. Others train with no electricity, scarce food, and under threat of missile strikes. Many of them put on a uniform and join Ukrainian forces on the front lines. Some never come back. When news breaks that the IOC will allow Russian athletes to compete in the 2024 Paris Olympics while a raging war cripples Ukraine, it's an ironic twist, and a huge blow to the Ukrainian team. They struggle with the idea of competing against Russian athletes who support the war, especially after witnessing the injustices, crimes and devastation caused by the war. The athletes are determined to show the world that they are more than just athletes, they are also soldiers defending their nation from Russian aggression.

As the Olympics draw near, they realize that their biggest opponent may not be the Russian athletes, but the emotional and physical scars of war that continue to haunt them.

Athletes of War is a powerful story about the resilience of the human spirit, the importance of teamwork, national identity, and the unifying power of world sports. It is a film that will inspire and touch audiences, showing that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter future.

Ukraine’s Dead Athletes Haunt 2024 Olympics

Russian and Belarusian athletes will be in Paris for this year’s summer games after the International Olympic Committee ruled they could compete as “neutrals”. Many of their Ukrainian opponents are dead.

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Gli atleti ucraini al Parlamento europeo: "Controproducente che i russi vadano alle Olimpiadi"

Gli atleti russi ormai "sono vicini alla propaganda" del Cremlino, "non credo sia necessario che partecipino" alle Olimpiadi. A sostenerlo è Sergiy Stakhovsky, celebre tennista ucraino che si è arruolato al fronte, nelle forze per le operazioni speciali, per combattere l'invasione di Mosca.

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Промоут Юкрейн мала честь бути співорганізатором закритого показу документального фільму “Спортсмени війни” Габріеля Вераса в Європейському Парламенті у Страсбурзі

Захід, організований віце-президентом Європейського парламенту @pinapicierno, включав показ документального фільму та відкриту і чесну дискусію між депутатами Європейського парламенту Віолою фон Крамон @violavoncramon (“Зелені”)

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Promote Ukraine Organises Screening of “Athletes of War”

Оn 5 February, Promote Ukraine organised a private screening of the “Athletes of War” documentary in the Belgian Parliament.

Hosted by our friend and a big supporter of Ukraine, Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium Georges Dallemagne, we were able to spread the word about the fact that the IOC (International Olympic Committee) has approved the participation of Russian and Belorussian athletes under the neutral flag in the Olympics 2024 in Paris.

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Cleveland Film Festival to show documentary on the war in Ukraine through lens of Olympians

The world premiere of a new documentary on Russia’s war with Ukraine this week will be at the Cleveland International Film Festival, just miles away from Parma, where one of the largest Ukrainian populations in the United States resides.

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Yurii (19) wil dat oorlog niet vergeten wordt: ‘Beelden van verwoestingen maken op velen geen indruk meer’

Luchtaanvallen, vermiste familieleden en loeiende alarmen. Dat is nog altijd het dagelijks leven van veel Oekraïense burgers. Dat weet ook Yurii Baranenko (19), een student uit dat land die nu aan het University College Roosevelt studeert. Hij haalt een bijzondere documentaire naar Middelburg. ,,De oorlog mag niet vergeten worden.’’

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Gabriel Veras, Director

+1 281 450 5547

Eric holland, co-Producer

+49 176 729 110 95